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Permanent Make Up & Microblading

Our permanent makeup and microblading services offer a long-lasting solution to enhance your natural beauty. Our personalised treatment plans are designed to complement your unique facial features and bone structure and deliver outstanding results you'll love.


Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation, is a cosmetic technique that involves tattooing cosmetic pigments into the skin. This technique is used to enhance facial features such as eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips. The origins of permanent makeup can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, where women used natural pigments to enhance their beauty. Today, permanent makeup is a popular choice for those who want to save time on their daily makeup routine or have certain medical conditions that affect their ability to apply makeup.




permanent make up eyebrows, lips and eyeliner, Microblading.jpg



Microblading and micropigmentation are great options for those looking to  enhance their eyebrows. Hair strokes are a popular choice for a natural look, and can be combined with other techniques like powder brows or pixel brows to create the perfect brows for you. With these techniques, you can achieve the brows of your dreams.





Say goodbye to the hassle of applying eyeliner every day and hello to perfectly defined eyes that last. Our expert technicians use the latest techniques and high-quality pigments to create a natural-looking, long-lasting eyeliner that enhances your eyes and simplifies your beauty routine. your appointment today and wake up with beautiful eyes every day!


Lip Blush

Permanent lip blush is a cosmetic tattooing technique that enhances the natural color and shape of your lips. This semi-permanent procedure involves depositing pigment into the lips to create a subtle, natural-looking tint. With its long-lasting results, permanent lip blush is a popular choice for those looking to enhance their lips without the need for daily makeup application.

1. What is permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic tattooing technique that involves applying pigment to the skin to enhance features like eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner.


2. What is microblading?

Microblading is a type of permanent makeup that specifically focuses on creating natural-looking eyebrows by using a handheld tool to create hair-like strokes.


3. Is permanent makeup safe?

Yes, permanent makeup is generally safe when performed by a trained and licensed professional using sterile equipment and high-quality pigments.


4. Does permanent makeup hurt?

The level of discomfort during a permanent makeup procedure varies from person to person, but most people report feeling only mild discomfort or pressure.


5. How long does permanent makeup last?

Permanent makeup can last anywhere from 1-5 years depending on factors like skin type, lifestyle, and the specific technique used.


6. How long does microblading last?

Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years, but touch-ups may be needed to maintain the desired look.


7. How do I choose the right permanent makeup artist?

When choosing a permanent makeup artist, it's important to do your research and look for someone who is licensed, experienced, and has a portfolio of their work.


8. How do I prepare for a permanent makeup procedure?

Before your permanent makeup procedure, you should avoid alcohol, caffeine, and blood-thinning medications, and make sure to discuss any medical conditions or allergies with your artist.

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